Travel - A challenge worth taking

Born in Panama and raised in Rio, New York, and Havana, I got the travel bug early on and it still itches. So in spite of recent injuries we have continued to travel as often as budget and energy are in agreement. My first major trip after injury was China and I had way underestimated the challenge, but after the trip I knew that it was well worth taking.

The purpose of this section is to entice and inform. I hope to entice you into the travel world and I hope to inform you of a few places that we have been and their accessibility as well as the enjoyment factor.

Before I go on I will describe my abilities so that one can get a better understanding of what I have to deal with when I travel. I use a rigid frame quickie which does not fold up very well; a collapsible chair may be more convenient. I can stand and walk, this makes for access to areas that others may not be able to get to. When I see this to be a problem I try to point it out.

If you are looking for a great travel agent please contact Mark at Please give Mark a brief description of the travel that you are planning. For example where, when and any special needs that you foresee. If you only know that you want to get away, Mark will be glad to help you plan the appropriate travel for you. Mark has made all of our travel interesting and a lot of fun.

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